*you may wish to listen to this audio version of the the article below - the audio file is read by Amara with Shamanic Music and Nature Sounds in the background tuned to 432hz*
Hi beautiful people,
Today we will go into anchoring the Divine Feminine.
Sit somewhere very comfortable, nature is always best. Close your eyes and take a big, big deep breath in.
Breathing into the count of seven.
Hold for seven.
And release. Taking all the thoughts from your mind, any stress or fear, panic, anxiety of through the day. You're going to take a big deep breath in. Breathing into the count of seven.
Hold for seven. And breathing all those energies, exhale them all into your heart and again, taking a big deep breath in.
Breathing into the count of seven.
Hold for seven.
And release. Now one more time, taking a big deep breath in, breathing in to the count of seven.
Hold for seven, and release.
Now breathing gently into your heart, taking all your focus down to your heart space, and focusing only on your heart. Breathing into your magnificent heart space, and allowing your beautiful heart energy to expand out all the way around you. Expanding your beautiful heart energy out all the way around you, bringing it out further and further.
Allowing yourself to be in this amazing space of love. When you're ready, see a beautiful Aurora Borealis circulating your heart energy. In this space, anything that attempts to interfere with your sacred energy will be rebounded and pushed away. You're in a safe, sacred and loving space.
Now we'll travel down each and every chakra and taking your times. Heading down each and every chakra, slowly. Taking your time, we're taking our heart energy and we're bringing it down through our solar plexus, down through our sacral, going down further, down through your root chakra, heading down further and further, travelling down to your sacred mother earth.
You're going to go down through all the layers of earth, all the way down below you, going down further, going deeper and deeper, taking your time, and keep on travelling down deeper and deeper. Until we hit the core of our Divine Feminine Mother Earth. We're slowly heading down. Going down deeper and deeper to the core of the Earth.
Going down through all the layers of Earth.
Going down further and further.
The core of the Earth will appear below you. It's a beautiful red, cavern, with a glow of magnificent golden light.
Keep on travelling down, until you hit the core of Mother Earth, the womb. Until you drop into her beautiful red womb, it's a cavern and it exudes the most amazing golden light. This sits in the centre of Mother Earth's Beautiful being, I want you to sit in this, this womb and allow yourself to be cradled in the love and warmth, and take the time to connect with the divine frequency of love.
Feeling the warmth of this beautiful red cavern with the golden glow, and allowing yourself to become one with the energy, taking the time to connect with the divine frequency of love, and in this space you feel her heartbeat. So feeling the heartbeat of, of Sacred Mother Earth.
Allow yourself to be one with her amazing energy.
Take your time.
In this sacred space we're asking to connect to the Divine Feminine.
We also allow ourselves to send love into our Divine Mother Earth as we connect, allowing yourself to become one.
We're connecting to the Divine Feminine and the polarities have shifted, so thank Mother Earth for being our main connection at this point in time. Allowing yourself to become one with her, her beautiful energy.
In her sacred womb with a golden glow, once you want one with her energy we'll start travelling back up through the Earth's core and as we travel up through the layers of Earth, we ask to raise our vibrational frequency as we go.
As we travel back up through the layers of Earth, affirm, I raise my vibrational frequency, I raise my vibrational frequency, I raise my vibrational frequency. As we head back up into our bodies, heading back up through your root chakra, raising your vibrational frequency, we ask that all dark energies, archons, black orbs, negative entities, spirits, demons, hooks, projections and attachments are released from your mind, body, soul and spirit.
You're going to push all the dark energies out, you'll see all the dark energies coming out to the surface. A lot of the time they appear as Black Orbs. If you have any Black Orbs coming out, just allow the Black Orbs to be released, we're pushing them out as we raise our frequency, see them travelling outside of your mind, body, soul, travelling outside of your etheric field and as they travel out, we ask to place mirrors around them. These mirrors will project their intent back toward them. If they do not wish to heal in this space, we ask that they are returned to their cause and creation to be transmuted into love.
In the cause and creation, it can appear as a red, black, dark planet just above you, and it usually resides up on your eye. Continue sending any false energy back to the cause and creation, going up through your solar plexus, releasing all negative energies, entities, spirits, demons, attachments, hooks, projections, and archons, sending them all off in mirrors, giving them an option. If they choose to be healed or sent back to their cause and creation.
Keep on sending all of the false energy back up until you feel completely clean and clear.
Going up through your heart, going through each and every chakra, up through your throat, raising our vibrational frequency higher and higher as we go.
As we rise up, bringing the energy up through your third eye, releasing all negative energies, entities, spirits, demons, attachments, hooks, projections, archons, from your mind, body, soul and spirit, sending them all off in mirror balls, sending them back up to their cause and creation. As you head up, back up through your crown, it will break the layer of grey matter that lies between us and pure source energy, as you're travelling up past your crown, see yourself piercing through the grey matter, travelling up further and further, And as you travel up further and further, you connect with pure divine source energy.
You're going to keep on going, traveling up through any grey matter, you'll be piercing through it, raising your frequency as you go, and keep on going, going higher and higher, to connect to pure divine source energy.
See that your cord's still attached to divine feminine energy from the core of the earth also. And then bringing the beautiful divine Mother Earth energy up. Once you get to Source, you can connect the energy, connecting amazing energy to that of Source and allowing yourself to sit and absorb the energy of being in a pure alignment with all that is.
Once you're connected to Source, with the Divine Mother connection, just allow yourself to sit and absorb the energy of being in pure alignment with all that is.
And keeping your frequency high, we keep, ask to keep our frequency extremely high.
And when you're ready, you'll come back down. Bringing pure source and divine mother back down through the ethers.
And as you're travelling down, send light through and across all of the grey matter in the skies.
So as you're travelling back down, you send your light out through and across all the grey matter in the sky.
And travelling down further, travelling back into your crown, into your third eye, and your throat, and breathing back into your heart. Affirming I raise my frequency above it all, expanding your heart out again, as far as you can go. Now check inside your feel. field, your energy field, to be sure that you're, free, clean and cleared.
If you see any, any residue, send it back to it's cause and creation. When you're ready, we ask that the purple violet flame comes through and just clears off anything else that does not align with your divine highest good. Any residual energy will send down through your entire being within the purple violet flame and you'll feel it going through each and every cell of your body.
The purple violet flame will burn out any residual energy that does not come from the light and it will release anything that does not align with with your divine highest good.
Keep on going until you feel free and clear and once you're free and clear reinforce your aurora borealis of color.
Affirm I close my aura to all except my own highest self vibration and so it is.
Affirm, I am in the present moment, I am in the present moment, I am in the present moment. And open your eyes now and be in the present moment. Thank you.