*you may wish to listen to this audio version of the the article below - the audio file is read by Amara with Shamanic Music and Nature Sounds in the background tuned to 432hz*
Hi beautiful people, today we'll sit down and learn how to connect with pure source and our sacred mother.
Find somewhere very very comfortable and sitting down, nature is always best, once you're comfortable close your eyes and this time we're going to breathe in and hold your breath to the count of seven. Okay, big deep breath in, breathing in to the count of seven.
Hold for seven. And release. Taking all your thoughts, everything from your headspace, all stresses from the day. And you're going to breathe in, breathing in to the count of seven.
Hold for seven. And release all those energies into your heart. Let it all go. Okay, and once again, taking a big, big, big deep breath in. Breathing into the count of seven. Taking all the thoughts, all the stress, fear, panic, anxiety from your mind. Hold for seven. And release. And one more time, breathing in, breathing into the count of seven.
Hold for seven.
And release. Okay, now we're going to create a sacred protective space of 100 percent pure love and light. And I want you to take your time. And I want you to start gently focusing on your beautiful heart space. So breathing in, breathing all your energy into your sacred heart space. And gently breathe into your heart.
And once you feel fully focused on your heart space,
I want you to sit in sacred space and allow yourself to feel the energy in your heart. Breathing into your heart, and as you breathe into your heart, start seeing the energy expand outwards, expanding your beautiful sacred heart energy outwards all the way around you. You're going to gently breathe and expand your heart space out further and further.
See and feel the energy growing out further and further. It's all the way around you and your beautiful heart energy is now expanding out all the way around you. I want you to see and feel the energy growing, expanding out further and further, as far out as you can go. Going out as far as you can go.
And once you feel that you're done. I want you to see an Aurora Borealis of color appear all the way around your beautiful protective heart space. They're going to have the most magnificent, amazing colors you've ever seen and it's going to be rotating around the edge of your sacred heart circle.
Anything that attempts to enter your sacred space will be gently nudged away with your beautiful protective Aurora Borealis of sacred color. This beautiful flow of colored lights are flowing all the way around your heart protection.
I just want you to give great thanks for your protection. Now that you're settled, we call forth pure source energy of 100 percent pure love and light and taking your time. I want you to slowly and gently feel the energy coming down, it's coming down from the highest point of the sky.
I want you to see and feel it coming down, and take your time, and you will feel the light energy hit your crown.
I want you to just sit there and allow yourself to become familiar with this beautiful energy, so you'll feel the warmth just above your crown and you'll feel a big light directly just above you. Once you're ready, allow the energy to gently enter your crown and taking your time.
When you're ready, you can wash this beautiful energy down further and further washing it through each and every cell of your entire being.
Bring the energy down before your third eye, taking your time, allowing it to wash any, any energy that's not meant to be there out. You're going to slowly keep on washing the energy down slowly through each and every cell of your being, down each and every chakra. Going down your throat, through your throat chakra, bringing the light down further and further, pure source energy.
Going down through each and every cell of your divine being, taking your time to align with the energy as you go. Down to the throat, down to the heart, allow the beautiful light into your heart. Feel the warmth and the magnificence of the energy. And allow yourself just to become one with it.
Going down to your solar plexus. Going down further and further. Into your sacral, taking your time, and then gently bringing the energy down to your root chakra. I want you to feel this beautiful energy running through your entire being, then we're going to travel down further, so going down further, you're going to go directly, bring the energy directly down into the earth.
We need you to travel down deeper and deeper to the core of the earth. Traveling down below the earth, you'll see layer upon layer of earth, stone, sticks, allow yourself just to go down and feel the whole lot. You're traveling through layers and layers of earth.
Going down deeper and deeper. Remember, you're traveling with the light, and in this space you are safe, loved and protected. Bringing the light down with you, we'll go down deeper and deeper, traveling down. Our intent is to travel down to the core of the earth.
We're traveling down to Mother Earth's womb. Going down deeper and deeper.
Just down below you're going to see earth coloured orb, but it's red tones. From those red tones there's a beautiful golden glow. Mother Earth's womb usually appears, she shows herself as a beautiful red cavern with a beautiful soft glow of golden light this is where you're travelling to.
When you arrive at this sacred space, take your time and allow yourself to align with the beautiful, divine, grounding energy of sacred Mother Earth and the divine feminine.
I want you to sit in this space, and just allow yourself to absorb and bask in the warmth and beauty, and feel the golden glow running all the way through your entire being. Feel the warmth, the protection, the safety, and the radiance of being in the sacred womb of Mother Earth, and sitting in the divine grounding energy of the Divine Feminine.
Allow yourself to sit in the space and become one.
Taking your time and allowing yourself to sit in the sacred space and become one. I want you to feel this beautiful golden glow, sitting in this beautiful red cavern and feel it running through your entire being allow yourself to become one with the sacred divine energy of the divine feminine and sacred Mother Earth, to allow yourself to become one.
When you're ready, give great thanks and breathe Mother Earth's energy into your heart. Now that you're one, you can bring the divine womb energy back up with you.
Bringing the divine womb energy of our sacred Mother Earth back up with you. You're going to start travelling back up, you're coming back up through the layers of Earth.
Travelling up through all the layers.
Now you're carrying the energy of pure source of Mother Earth and you're going to bring the energy back up with you. Allowing yourself to rise and as you rise, we ask to raise your vibrational frequency up through each and every layer of the earth.
We ask to raise your vibrational frequency up through each and every layer of our sacred Mother Earth.
When you get two feet, bring the energy back up through your feet, back up through your sacral.
Up through your solar plexus,
Up through your heart, your throat, your third eye.
And then your crown.
This time we're going to travel up, we're going to travel up further and further, up through each and every cloud in the sky and I want you to lay your energy to go up with your connection to Mother Earth. We're going to go up and further, going up to the sacred space of pure source energy and allow yourself to absorb and connect to the amazing energy that allows yourself to be so close and loved by the great creator.
Traveling up further, traveling up to the sacred space of pure source energy, so that we may become one with the great creator.
When you get up to that highest point in the sky, allow yourself to connect and breathe in the energy of Pure Source and the Divine Mother Earth back into your heart. While you're up in this space, allow yourself to become one with Great Creator, your caring Mother Earth energy. And allow yourself to become one with all that is.
Observe the light, be one, absorb the beauty.
Then when ready, breathe the energy of Pure Source and the Divine Mother Earth back into your heart. When you're ready, we're going to head back down, bringing both energies back into your heart. You'll be traveling back down, Mother Earth and Father Sky energy, bringing it down, slowly heading back down.
Through the ethers, coming down, down through your crown, into your third eye, your throat and directly back into your heart.
Allow yourself to sit in the space, having the connection to pure source and divine mother earth.
Feel the love and the warmth of the connection and affirm, we are one. We are one.
Breathing all the beautiful energy into your heart and allow yourself to sit and feel the divine connection to all that is and allow yourself to feel the gratitude in your heart and give great thanks.
When you're ready, open your eyes and affirm, I am in the present moment. I am in the present moment. I am in the present moment. I am love. I give great thanks.
And so it is.